Growth and Impact – A Vision for the Future

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The vision of Feeding Hands is to develop a groundswell of individuals, churches, and businesses engaged in addressing poverty and helping those who are caught in its clutches.

In just 18 short months since we launched our first food pantry, we have grown so much. Starting only with a few postcards with our location on them, word of how we feed with dignity and love spread between those in need in the area. More and more came each month. In November, we served 231 families in only 14 total hours, providing each with a weeks’ worth of food. And although it sounds like an assembly line, it is not. Listen here to our guests beautiful words of thanks as proof.

We have tweaked and optimized our operation to the point where we can streamline no more without impacting the care with which we serve. We are busting out the seams of Emmanuel Church and it will soon be time to spin off some of our guests to a new location closer to where they live. Many do not have transportation, so it makes sense to move services closer to them. It will take resources to make that happen. I hope you will help us to multiply and expand our reach beyond our own “hometown,” bringing food and the light of Christ to more and more of “the least of these.”

We were born to glorify His name. We are doing that. It is time to grow our reach and we need the resources to make that happen. Won’t you please help us?

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