

Your donation helps us make your community a better place, one cart of groceries served with a smile at a time.


allows us to distribute an average of 12-14 days of groceries per family, per month.


of groceries a month changes a family’s health, learning capacity, and productivity at work.

In 2023, Feeding Hands provided over


worth of groceries to feed insecure families.


of each donated dollar supports  the food program.

Multiply Your Impact.

We turn $1 into $6 of groceries.

As a light of hope in central New Jersey for families in need, there’s no better investment in the bright future of the children, seniors, veterans, and families who are served by Feeding Hands.  Our staff and volunteers are tireless in providing care and nutrition to our guests.  Giving financially to our mission is just one way you can get involved.  Your donation helps us make your community a better place, one cart of groceries served with a smile at a time.

If you are looking to make a high impact with your hard earned money, partner with a high impact organization working to strengthen the fabric of our community.

I am so moved by how this organization helps people! Keep up the good work!
Feeding Hands Volunteer
Feeding Hands was so much more….They didn’t just provide meals; they provided dignity, community, and a reminder that we weren’t alone. It was a place where we could find not only the help we needed but also the strength to keep moving forward.
Andria (former guest)
Here's to reaching closer to God. Endless blessings to you all and for caring and dedication you all give to your community.
Feeding Hands Guest
Every Tuesday morning at 10:30, I witness a modern miracle. Some say miracles no longer happen, such as Jesus feeding 5000 with a few fish and loaves of bread. This modern miracle is that a few very dedicated people find a way to get a host of ordinary people to engage their best versions of themselves to provide food to their needy neighbors…
Peter N.
I continue to be amazed at this organization - this community of hard working and compassionate people that come together. My experience with this group has gone well beyond my expectations. I know it’s each individual that makes this quite amazing!
Karen A.

How We Do It!

With the help of an army of community volunteers, our team rescues food from manufacturers, retailers and growers along with support from the Community Food Bank of NJ, so the majority of funds help cover the cost of the operation of our distribution model and the staff who make it all possible.


Become a Recurring Donor: We love one-time donations, but consider giving a monthly donation so our guest families never miss a meal. Online donation makes it quick and easy for you to feed a family each month.

If you prefer to donate via check, please make it out to “Feeding Hands”.

Mailing Address: 601 Route 206, Suite 26-217, Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Feeding Hands is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Hillsborough, NJ

Federal Tax ID # is 47-2253408

Trust & Stewardship

Feeding Hands is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2014.  Guided by our leadership team with oversight provided by our board of trustees, we hold transparency, accountability and stewardship as key values.  As a recent measure of full year 2023, 99% of our $3.3 Million in revenue went directly towards the food program.  Only 1% of funds collected went towards administration and fundraising purposes.  We are also recognized by Charity Navigator as a Four-Star Charity with a 96% rating and have a Platinum rating on Candid

Donate stock and securities:

Feeding Hands offers a tax-friendly way to donate by accepting appreciated stocks, bonds, ETF’s, mutual funds, or recommendations from your donor advised fund (DAF).  Check with your financial advisor on this tax-advantageous strategy for securities held at least one year that is a win for you as a donor and a win for Feeding Hands.  While Feeding Hands gets the full value of your stock donation, you as a donor get benefits of tax deduction / reduction. Contact us to get our Charles Schwab account number and arrange transfer.

Gift Matching Programs

Don’t forget to check if your donation can be multiplied! Feeding Hands qualifies for most corporate matching programs. See if your employer has a matching program below. This simple act can double (or more!) your generosity.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Stories of Empathy

Providing the Fuel to Feed the Fight.
Feeding Hands values each of our guests and we are heartened to hear firsthand that we are making a positive difference in their lives….
From Impacting Many… to Impacting One
In today’s world, it’s hard to find good news or something that is uplifting that is actually authentic….
The Eclipse and Feeding the Hungry

I saw scientist and futurist, Michio Kaku, this week explain the “cosmic coincidence” of the eclipse. Kaku said, “This should be on everyone’s bucket list…I am a physicist. This is…

Stir Up Love Devotion
When we take the focus off of us and do our best to help alleviate the struggle of another, we are becoming more like Jesus….
Be a Blessing

What does it mean to be a blessing?To me it means three things: 1 – to go- being a disciple to others 2 – willing to do whatever it takes…

Biking Life Together!

I saw a sight yesterday that gave me pause. I only wish I had thought to take a photo. I approached a major intersection with six lanes of north/south traffic…

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Feeding Hands Presents

“Stride to Provide” 5K Run/Walk!

Join us for the Feeding Hands 5K, a certified race and community walk dedicated to fighting food insecurity!