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Join the churches who are giving their congregations a renewed sense of Christian purpose to fulfill their calling to feed the hungry.

The Christian values that have guided the inception and establishment of Feeding Hands are those that guide us today. As we engaged in feeding the least of these, including the widows, orphans, foreigners, and the poor, we discovered the truth about Christ’s command to the church to care for the poor. There are so many needs and so few hands yet so many blessings available to those who act!

Join this list of churches who are giving their congregations a renewed sense of Christian purpose to fulfill their calling to feed the hungry. At Feeding Hands, the very practical, physical tasks of serving others brings transformational power as evidenced by meals served, hope renewed, and lives of both guest and volunteer changed for the better.

“…’Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ”

There are times when we’ve had to share an apple. I don’t like having to rely on benefits but have no choice. I have hope for the future though…I am looking forward to my children having a brighter future. For now, Feeding Hands is helping us get by.
Feedings Hands Guest
There was a time in my life, where Feeding Hands helped me in my time of need. I promised the Universe that if my life turned around, I would help.
Joann H.
You are all God's hands and feet. We see His joy over you & your excellent efforts. It's great to partner with you.
Feeding Hands Volunteer

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Feeding Hands Presents

“Stride to Provide” 5K Run/Walk!

Join us for the Feeding Hands 5K, a certified race and community walk dedicated to fighting food insecurity!