Start a

Food Drive

Host a food drive in your local community!

One way you can help those we serve is to host a food drive in your local community or through your neighborhood, workplace, church or other organization. This is a great way to foster engagement and understanding among kids and teens (and others who may think there is no hunger in their backyard!). Youth groups, sports teams, or other community organizations can get a tour during drop off to better understand the issues.

We also accept contributions from local businesses and corporations with physical goods for donation. See our list of needed products below. Contact us to learn more and plan your next donation event.

Most Needed Grocery Items:

Cleaning Products:
All-purpose cleaner, dish soap

Personal Care Items:
Shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, deodorant, toothpaste, body wash, baby wipes, diapers, pullups

Paper Goods:
Paper Towels, Toilet Paper

Food Items:
Cereal, canned tuna or chicken, pasta, cake / brownie mix, assorted snacks, juice, coffee, cooking oil, Ensure

How to Donate Physical Goods

Feeding Hands accepts physical donations of unopened and unexpired goods at our Hillsborough location during official receiving hours or by appointment. Please note that household cleaning, personal care, and paper goods are the most requested and least donated.

Donation Receiving Hours:

Main Donation Drop Off Site: 186 Route 206, Hillsborough, NJ 08844
Mondays: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Fridays: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
3rd Saturday of Every Month: 10:00am – 12:30pm

To drop off at one of our satellites, please call their direct number to make arrangements.

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Feeding Hands Presents

“Stride to Provide” 5K Run/Walk!

Join us for the Feeding Hands 5K, a certified race and community walk dedicated to fighting food insecurity!