

Feeding Hands exists to give groceries to those in need.

Built to Serve Your Needs

Feeding Hands exists to give groceries to those in need. As our guest, your time “shopping” our aisles or having your car loaded is an experience filled with dignity and compassion. By providing a reliable source of food, we hope to reduce just one aspect of stress in your life so you can focus on resolving other issues you may be facing. Beyond food, we strive to give you access to resources for other services you need to overcome your challenges.

Most importantly, Feeding Hands will not discriminate based on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, religion, age, or disability.

Registration Process

Please be aware that our organization is currently serving only those living in Somerset County (excluding Franklin Township) in addition to the towns of Dunellen, Middlesex (zip code 08846), Piscataway, North Plainfield, and South Plainfield. For those outside of our service area, text “Find Food” to 908-224-7776 to find a food pantry near you.

If you wish to receive food from Feeding Hands you must register in advance. Our pantries are located in Hillsborough, Manville, Edison, and Bernardsville. You can see schedule, hours, and eligibility for each at Our Pantries.

We strongly advise you to scan the QR code to join our WhatsApp group chat. Our WhatsApp group chat is used to communicate with you about your appointment and our process changes designed to make your visit smoother, notify you of closings, holiday schedules, and other timely updates. We also send out timely information regarding other services to assist you.

FAQs / What Do I Need to Know Before Coming?

Do I need an appointment?

Yes! Complete the online application and you will be contacted with an appointment time. Afterwards, we require you to come at your appointed time and date. We ask that you do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to your appointment so we can smoothly assist all guests and minimize the time required for you to get groceries. Please arrive on time for your appointment. If you are late we may not be able to serve you.

What if I can’t make my appointment?

If you cannot arrive at the appointed time and date, please reschedule by email or phone call, leaving a message providing your name and client number so we can call you back. Repeated missed appointments may disqualify you for future appointments as you are preventing another from accessing available appointment times.

Can I pick out my own food?

Yes, if you are receiving food at our main pantry located in Hillsborough you have the option to “shop” our aisles. Our main pantry offers both the “shopping” experience as well as a Saturday “drive-thru” service with prepacked groceries for those with less time. Our satellite locations in Edison and Manville follow a hybrid process where you’ll receive both food pre-boxed and self-selection.

What can I expect on my first visit?

Your first visit will take a minimum of 30 minutes. Bring your documentation (see below)with you. Our volunteers will assist you and make you comfortable and explain our process.

How often can I come?

Guests can come once a month. After your first visit, we will schedule your next visit.

What should I bring or prepare?

For your first appointment, please be prepared with:

  • Documentation for all members of your household
  • Birth Certificates for children needing diapers
  • Photo ID
  • WIC/Snap/Other assistance information
  • Income Information such as social security, disability, employment
  • Proof of Address
  • Empty and clean reusable grocery bags
  • The trunk of your vehicle emptied

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Saturday Appointments Only

Feeding Hands Presents

“Stride to Provide” 5K Run/Walk!

Join us for the Feeding Hands 5K, a certified race and community walk dedicated to fighting food insecurity!
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