

Feeding Hands cultivates contagious volunteerism to mobilize the community in the fight against food insecurity.

Our strategy is to build an organization of excellence, modeling a food pantry program that is transformational—not transactional. We profoundly impact all we touch: those in need, those who serve, and those who donate. Service to those who are struggling in the community, when done right, changes the lives of those in need, provides purpose to those who serve, and glorifies our creator. We will engage the community, helping them to understand how to utilize their gifts to create vibrant change including their hearts.

Small Beginnings…

We opened a food pantry in Somerville designed to demonstrate caring at its best. In May 2014, we began operating out of donated space in a small 30 member church, providing food during 32 family visits. Sixty percent of Emmanuel Church stepped up and volunteered to serve. As the church saw the impact of what was happening, they allowed use of all of their main floor space for pantry operations. Although we were open only a few hours each Tuesday, we grew very quickly. We distribute meat, fresh produce and non-perishables each month to veterans, the working poor, persons with disabilities, seniors and the unemployed. Many use 50% or more of their income for their housing. All this takes place in one of the richest counties in both NJ and the US, and for now, we are only reaching the tip of the iceberg.

Tremendous Impact.

We left that small church during the pandemic and moved into tents. We’ve seen an exponential growth in need while enduring Hurricane Ida’s flooding, and countless other weather and space challenges.

Feeding Hands has journeyed over 8 forced moves to different distribution sites to resiliently adapt to the growth of the organization and the needs of the community. And yet, Feeding Hands has never missed an appointment with our guests…because we care!

In Summer of 2023, we finally opened our new central hub location in Hillsborough, NJ. We use every inch of the renovated 8,000 sq. ft. facility to feed more than 1000 families each month. We treat each guest as we would like to be treated and the result is AMAZING…for the guests, the volunteers and all who support the mission!

Learn more about our journey to become the transformational organization we are today:

Motivated by Judeo-Christian teachings, we have a clear sense of our core values:

Empathy: We seek to understand our neighbor and respond with empathy. We treat them as we would want to be treated -with dignity and compassion- while encouraging accountability for their own choices.

Connection: We understand the need of people to connect to each other, to society, and to their creator. We understand poverty can be more than a lack of financial resources. Lack of financial resources can lead to isolation creating a vicious cycle. We provide opportunity for our neighbors in need to connect to each other, to their community, to spiritual encouragement and other community resources thereby providing a hand up rather than just a hand out.

Stewardship: We seek to efficiently and effectively use our resources to produce the greatest return. The efficient and effective use of our facilities, finances, skills, time, and energy produces a maximum ROI measured in guests served, physical and emotional needs met, faith restored, and lives changed.

Meet Our Founder

Lois Bennett is the Founder and Executive Director of Feeding Hands since its inception in 2014. She is a high-energy, motivational leader who lives the core values of the organization as a part of her identity as a humanitarian and a Christian. With the support of a small staff, and what she says is “a Big God”, she has mobilized thousands of volunteers and organizations striving for excellence in serving Feeding Hands’ guests with unparalleled passion and dedication. As a dynamic public speaker versed in the challenges of poverty and food insecurity, she speaks on behalf of marginalized communities from an authentic place of deep engagement and personal empathy.

Lois received the NJ State Governor’s Jefferson Award for Public Service in May 2019, and was recognized in the Social Service category in 2016 as one of the Outstanding Women in Somerset County.

Lois has BS degrees in Accounting and Business Administration and Management from St. John Fisher University and the State University of New York at Brockport, respectively. Her career has spanned roles in a small CPA firm to a large corporation such as Johnson & Johnson for finance roles, as well as cause-oriented organizations such as the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and as an employee of a church.

Our Community

Feeding Hands has facilitated a thriving community of local businesses, churches, schools, corporations and partner organizations that collaborate in our mission to end hunger in New Jersey.

Contact Us

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Stories of Empathy

Providing the Fuel to Feed the Fight.
Feeding Hands values each of our guests and we are heartened to hear firsthand that we are making a positive difference in their lives….
From Impacting Many… to Impacting One
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The Eclipse and Feeding the Hungry

I saw scientist and futurist, Michio Kaku, this week explain the “cosmic coincidence” of the eclipse. Kaku said, “This should be on everyone’s bucket list…I am a physicist. This is…

Stir Up Love Devotion
When we take the focus off of us and do our best to help alleviate the struggle of another, we are becoming more like Jesus….

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Feeding Hands Presents

“Stride to Provide” 5K Run/Walk!

Join us for the Feeding Hands 5K, a certified race and community walk dedicated to fighting food insecurity!