Sincere Faith after Hurricane Ida

“I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”
2 Timothy 1:5
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On this first Sunday after the passage of Hurricane Ida through our community, I would like to share this poignant anecdote.

Yesterday I visited Feeding Hands Pantry in the wake of Hurricane Ida. Volunteers were there wearing masks, marching through the muck, throwing away spoiled food and muddy, drenched boxes, as well as sorting through anything that can be saved. As the garbage truck outside made room for more detritus to be thrown away, spoiled milk spilled across the parking lot, a vivid picture for me of the loss.

Lois took some precious time to show me some pictures of the immediate aftermath, and what she showed me just blew me away.

When Lois reached the glass doors to the pantry after the water receded, a Bible was jammed up against it, open to the book Timothy 2. It was open to the only page in the Bible that mentions the name Lois. In the Bible, Lois is Timothy’s grandmother.

2 Timothy 1:5 (clear in the picture at the pantry) is about sincere faith in the face of hardship. The book of Timothy is about using his family background of strong faith to overcome adversity while becoming a minister. What does this mean right now? God is speaking directly to Lois, and truly sees what has happened! Lois is doing God’s work, and we must all do our best to band together in these difficult times so that she and everyone at Feeding Hands can continue their important work.

The Mission Statement for Feeding Hands says Feeding Hands exists to live out God’s commandment to care for the poor by loving and serving our neighbors in need.

Lois finding the Bible open to that passage after the flood seems to be God’s way of recognizing Lois’ faith and supporting the efforts of Feeding Hands Pantry.

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